
Wreck diving in Bermuda

For as long as Bermuda has been on the map it has been infamous as a land of shipwrecks; a. A place that makes widows out of sailors’ wives and around which superstitious warnings swirl. But the very thing that makes this Atlantic archipelago such a hazard for seafaring folk turns out to be a great boon for snorkelers and scuba divers, who flock to these blue waters to experience some of the best wreck diving in the world.

Bermuda's penchant for ship swallowing can be largely explained by its position in the Atlantic Ocean. Think of the island as a giant pothole in the middle of a freeway. The Gulf Stream draws ships into her path, where Bermuda's shallow reef effortlessly devours them. Add to that the occasional hurricane and it is a pile-up waiting to happen.

Back in 1505, Juan de Bermúdez was the first European sailor to brave the treacherous reef. He survived the ordeal unscathed but others were not so lucky. Many of today's Bermudans are even descended from shipwreck survivors. The Sea Venture, which ran aground in 1609, is the Bermudan version of the Mayflower. Since then, more than 400 other vessels have suffered a similar fate.

The shallow water and remarkable visibility in the seas surrounding Bermuda make diving here an unforgettably vivid experience: a typical dive allows plenty of time to explore the coral encrusted hulls, barnacled cannons and holds populated with a kaleidoscopic array of parrot fish, barracuda and angel fish. The deck of some boats, such as the Taunton, a 228-foot Danish steamer built in 1902, lie just 10 feet below the surface, an easy duck dive for even an average swimmer.

Diving the wrecks of Bermuda is also a lesson in history. Tragic and heroic tales abound in equal measure. One of the most popular dives is the Cristobal Colon. The 500-foot Spanish luxury liner (the largest wreck in Bermuda's waters) was one of the fastest boats in her day. Her speed proved her downfall in 1936. A signal malfunction on shore meant the captain misjudged the channel and ran aground. A year later the 250-foot Norwegian freighter Iristo suffered an identical fate while trying to avoid her. Bermuda has so many wrecks they are literally piled on top of one another.

In spite of the rough weather, the sheer number of sites and strict marine preservation means that many wrecks remain remarkably intact. The most famous example is the Constellation, a 200-foot schooner which was writer Peter Benchley's inspiration for the book The Deep. This ship was carrying building materials, medicinal drugs and 700 cases of scotch whiskey to Venezuela when she went down in 1943. Among the hardened concrete bags, storm swells continue to unearth the occasional ampoule.

The San Pedro's cargo was far more valuable. She wrecked in 1596 and lay undisturbed for hundreds of years. Local historian and marine archaeologist, Teddy Tucker (who runs the Bermuda Underwater Marine Institute) discovered the site in 1955 and unearthed many gold buttons, precious stones, chains and the famous Tucker Cross, an emerald studded crucifix made by Incan natives.

While many a fortune has been made scavenging the wrecks, it is a pastime best left to the professionals. Not all that glitters underwater is gold: The Pollockshields, for instance, which sunk a century ago, is still laden with live ammunition and shell casings. But novices need not fear: local dive masters know how to best match the site to the prevailing conditions. Unlike the wretched sailors of old, there's little chance of joining the remarkable display of marine archaeology in Davy Jones' Locker.


Next Time You're in ... Goa

With Goa's connotations of full-moon parties, beaches and backpackers in tie-dyed pants, it's not surprising that most visitors to the Indian state are blithely unaware of its gritty agricultural past. In that respect, the Goa Chitra Museum, tel: (91-832) 657 0877, comes as a genuine revelation.

The brainchild of artist turned curator Victor Hugo Gomes, the museum is situated on a working organic farm (also Gomes' home) in the southern Goan town of Benaulim and showcases over 4,000 traditional tools, items of furniture and other objects sourced from across the state. The exhibits include hundreds of tillage implements, in testimony to a time when agriculture was Goa's mainstay. (Now, tourism and mining are the key industries and Goa depends on neighboring states for such staples as cereals and vegetables.) A sugarcane grinder standing almost five meters high is one of the main focal points of the museum. Gomes took over two years to restore it.

Supplementing the farming-related displays are exhibitions of vintage paraphernalia and antique furniture, many examples of which were rescued from garbage heaps left beside demolished homes and churches. Dismayed at the speed with which local heritage was vanishing, Gomes visited over 300 traditional buildings in the process of demolition, salvaging doorways, window fittings, pillars, railings and even church altars. Folklore, costume, jewelry and marine displays are scheduled to open at the end of the year. (See pictures of urban farming around the world.)

Gomes personally leads hour-long tours of the facility at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily, communicating a passion for his native history that elevates Goa Chitra above your run-of-the-mill local museum. The tours take in an on-site gallery of work by local artists, a performance space and a walk around Gomes' 7,400-sq-m farm, where he grows chili, okra and other crops. At the end, visitors are served a refreshing drink made from kokum, a tangy local fruit related to mangosteen.

Goa Chitra attracts a steady flow of visitors. Novelist Kiran Desai dropped in recently, as did poet and lyricist Sampooran Singh Kalra (better known as Gulzar), who was so impressed that he donated his fee for a reading to the museum. But don't take his word for it. Pencil in a break from Goa's beaches and scrunch your toes in the sands of time instead.


Thanks to alcohol

Haven't so enjoy sitting in front of computer, knock this familiar and unfamiliar keyboard. Don't get me wrong, not for drinking too much, not drink today. But there are many students between withering call, I have recently is not lost. Hey hey... You can't say, it's true TMD had such idea, is god does not give this face.

The day before yesterday evening, for a friend, we go back during the trip. The atmosphere in the KTV is always can let me, I still used to make a promise me, although the throne of inflammation of the vocal cords. Just But don't feel so long I will defeat, defeat that I didn't sing, I sing high Tibetan opera, only quiet I hummed low-key song. The style is very sad, hum to tears, Because this is in, under the influence of alcohol, I saw I don't like to see something, I was dumbfounded, I confuse STH. Sound is very low, microphone, I quickly shook clearly tell myself: this time I see an eye.


Thanks to the help, let my alcohol tendency,

Thanks to the help, let my alcohol from the edge to trap,

Thanks to the help, let my alcohol within a week met two MEN face,

Thanks to the help alcohol, and let me know the unwritten:

Men don't play rascal, is -- not normal brain development.


In the rain

In the rain, I slowed down the steps, drizzle float in hair, face, blurred my eyes ~

Stop, is always crowded with people. Crowded car, YiLiangLiang flying, but always can't wait me to the car.

An accident, not stopped my mobile phone has a few cents owed. Amid a little angry moved by what was owed, before a part of my hair will stop owed much ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to zha sweat

The legend of the neighborhood folks ", ", today to eat foundation. The fat with taro, iron eggplant is delicious, but few mouth was tired, sweet and sour soup down and appetite, etc. On the last two long dish, the saturated state is a virtue, and pack to pack those with virtue, hardly move chopsticks dish ~

Rain, still keep not jehiel, and seemed to be always so down. Like drizzle waft in face of feeling, the pace of home still slow...


For his good points are good to others

A bit better to oneself.

Good to others.

Treat yourself to yourself, and strong, optimistic.

No, I don't care who tears.

Choose to believe each other, whether he is good is bad.

A clever girl, be in only when the naughty.

Life seriously.

A little imagination.

No longer expect happiness comes, it is at hand.

I want to live better than summer and warm.


The woman love cannot extricate themselves

She is a little lazy, she is not good at doing housework.

She independent, or too strong, she would stand the pain and loneliness is not willing to others.

But actually 1.outwardly, eager to have a typhoon shelter, let her go. But she won't admit.

She must decide if the person can withstand all this, her pettish, her vexatious, her stubborn, her pessimistic, all of her character flaws and never buchibuqi.

Only in this way, she just rest assured, can trust to continue to do oneself, not afraid to lose some day. If not, so she had to continue to loneliness and loneliness.

She love insecure, also won't give others security.

She must be the other party first reveals have a crush on her, she just send her passion. Her love for her is always the best, and that she was a standard, you more than the line integrals, she might fall in love with you, but most people don't more than before, or left over after she didn't see left.

Actually she wants, she will not only a warm home. It is very important to her, although in their mouth: I don't need love.

When you are nervous his friends, she would side with you, he just me, but a higher price.it sneaking about your feelings.

She'll hope he is now how, have all sorts of critical exacting condition. She just wants a proof to love her, she not only hope you have, the heart.

To them, the only damage only feelings, emotional frustration, if either destroyed them, or their achievements. Henceforth more indifferent, focus on business.

She doesn't like other after the man to live, she amused to die, and become more open-minded wrath. In about his friend said to hear the topic, never deliberately evades, she smiled calmly, appropriate participation, she was always doubt this affection depth, and the crowd behind only those who know the circumstances behind saw her tears of talents and hard.

She never cry, before valentine unless she really collapse.

If you love her, she will make your own ideas

If you see her tears, please believe that this is not the sympathy for her, she's such a proud heart shall have the woman.

She wants to be responsible for you, responsible for her to his past and future, but please do not easily give her commitment and oath. She find it hard to believe. Even though she find it hard to believe, but she still will choose to wait.

She wound like wine, strong initial will soon become a glass of water, but let water infiltration life become drops. She choose among them, in silence and illness.

She is so strong, bullying, capricious...

Not flattering, respectable and her friends more than you love.

She is the most protection to the secret,.

The most violent, most fickle, most impatient, most impulse, the bear lonesome and likes to shed crocodile tears over yourself alone.

Sometimes she was full of sunshine, love laughter, love to talk, charming.

She is very selfish, just like TongGan with people, not willing to let others with her bitter...

Her family is not very rich, but she was accustomed to sitting.

She likes lively, will become the focus of party, the premise is she wanted.

She also enjoy solitude, will sit in one room listen very sad music.

She will stay in the room all day, but low depressed morning, and will do everything, easily HuangHuangMangMang lug coat of carrying bag to rush.

She used in front of the performance is very strong, a big woman of socialism.

She wants to know her, real love her pet her. She must be very quiet, would be willing to quiet down, don't bother, not on time, eat, sleep time doing everything to settle down with him.

She never light speech, her love is love, it is not because of her silence courage, lack of that in her heart, it is a fence self-esteem.

She is more honorable than life of self-esteem.

If there is such a girl to love you, you said that she was in her heart represents your weight than her self-respect.

Don't you know her, don't know her well, just don't love her. She really loves her in front of the people of all armor and uninstalled disguise, do a happy little women, she doesn't require you to do anything, not vexatious want you to accompany her, she has her own life, she gives you a space because she also need space.

She will also meet the real fantasy, when he will he tired quietly through the point and then say, nutritional porridge, you look so care and good mood this girl overworked reward you.

She forever before you sexy naughty, occasionally and play with you, play games, the stranger in front of your friends never easy and decent, smile at your side close.

She often out some fresh ideas to regulate the life, she and sometimes make you upset.

Someday, her sensitive in your care under slowly disappear, her stubborn is for your protection, she disguise before you are easily penetrate...

Don't get her proud, because no one can eat for her.

Only know her people, get her well.

She is sometimes slow, in the emotional aspects, but sometimes very sensitive, because she CARES.

She sometimes think, when she meets the life of the people, and the strong, how will love her for the reckless acme, then in strong collision enjoy that heart pain.

So, don't love this girl, she is too extreme. Too careless, and too nervous, hard to serve, too not gentleness...

If you have no courage, ability can insist not to love her, don't love her.

Because if you will leave, her heart will never, never frozen for others easily open...


Everybody wants to distinguish himself is like he loves him two different

Be fond of one people, together, will be very happy

Love a person, together, will express frustration

Like a person, you won't think of your future

Love a person, you often together for tomorrow

Be fond of one people, together of the time is always happy

Love a person, you will often tears

Be fond of one people, when you have long time no see, you will suddenly reminded him (her),

When you love someone, long time no see, you would think he (she) every

Be fond of one people, when you think he (she), you will be a slight smile

Love a person, when you think he (she), you will be in the sky in a daze

Like a person, you'll hope everybody happy

Love a person, would you want him (her) more happy

Like a person, you will only today

Love a person, you expect is forever

Like a man, is to see his (her)

Love a person, he (she) is inclusive of weakness

Love and love is the difference

When standing in front of the person you love, your heart beats faster

When you and the person you love, your eyes will shy Angle

But when you standing in front of the person you like, you just feel happy

But when the one you love with your eyes, you can only smile trading

When your conversation with the person you love, you feel unable to

When the one you love is crying, you will accompany him (her)

But when you and your favorite person dialogue, you can freely

But when the one you like is crying, you'll skills to comfort him (her),

When you don't want to love a person, you must close your eyes and endure tears

When you don't want to love a person, you just to cover your ears!

Love is a kind of mood

Love is a kind of affection

Love is a kind of intuition

Love is a feeling

Like, can stop

Love, no rest

Be fond of one people, special nature

Love a person, especially calm

Be fond of one people, hope and he sometimes together

Love a person, sometimes afraid with him

Be fond of one people, kept arguing with him

Love a person, keep for him to pay

Be fond of one people, hope he can always find themselves

Love a person, hope can always find him

Be fond of one people, always smile for him

Love a person, always cry for him

Love, is the persistent

Love is worth

Love is like, very simple

Love is love, very complicated

Like you, but not love you

Love you, it must be very fond of you

Actually, love and love

But, want to step this step

See you

Step this step is like

Step this step is love

The girl is useful to note blink mask can don't let you apply the old

If you are still apply mask convenient save so disorderly sleep is the idea, the spirit, below apply to correct the error, sleep mask will make you more apply more old:

Error: the mask must sleep one nightv
Error: since that is natural to apply mask, sleep in the night, and even the efficacy of face skin feel sticky also insisted.

Reason: this type of film just sleep, and no title of mask that must be used during sleep, as long as the skin to absorb the nutrition can meet the mask is received.

The correct method used in: if feel sleep mask, sticky, skin, after getting up facial grease is secreted, needn't take mask overnight. Apply a mask for half an hour after the skin absorbed completely, can wash away.

Tips: a small but also to distinguish sleep face of skin, can according to product instructions or their experience to select suitable.
Error: sleep mask would contaminate quilt, so before wash off
Error: apply mask a bed not just after the quilt dirty? No, it is better to die, or a wash before going to bed.

Reason: although sleep mask, but is not that must be used to sleep at the moment.

The correct method: according to the instructions on the face, and sleep in 20 minutes before the paint, such as dry after the sleep.

Tips: a little sleep, no matter whether the use of every dust mask pillow after the secretion of saliva, and also filled with many bacteria, frequently wash pillow, otherwise easy occurrence skin problems.
Error: 3 mask must sleep in the night before sleeping to apply
Error: that seems to be the only night sleep a large enough time of face of the apply oh, it can wait until evening is luo.

Reason: sleep mask formula design is for the mainstream of colloidal macromolecules, the purpose is to put up before the small molecule maintenance component effectively locked in the skin. But the mask is designed to cater to sleep at ordinary times the compact special time, if have time can also apply in the sleep time.

The correct method: if feel evening sleeping uncomfortable with mask, can consider to use the noon nap or night finishing process that protect skin after use.

Tips: though small in his sleep does not to use, but also don't sleep mask on besmear just washed, at least make it in the face for half an hour.
Error: 4 apply mask before sleep does not need any skin care
Error: to apply mask to sleep, and other skin care and maintenance of sleep can ignore a kung fu.

Reason: the act or sleep mask, in order to make the skin effect of closed in short time to absorb more nutrients, still must first carries on the foundation of maintenance after apply mask to sleep, but also promote the other skin absorption.

The correct method: every evening, after complete thoroughly clean face to wipe gently on the emulsion, the massage, it is completely absorbed by later.

Tips: a small night after bathing pore is completely open, heat, the best time to maintain skin to seize the opportunity to complete basic maintenance.
Error: mask to sleep yue houyue good, can absorb in a night
Error: anyway, sleep mask will evaporate will become dry, absorb the composition, then coated much more.

Reason: sleep mask would clog pores, if one-time apply too much pore is stuck to hover, wrinkles, blain blain is... All kinds of skin problems appeared again.

Methods: all right, not according to your own size of the face, apply adequate covering the face a layer.

Small tips: actually, after finishing the skin care has given enough nutrition for the skin of sleep mask preserved effect of nutrition supply nutrition.


The rain

heave To make clear on the ground

continuous The days of rain
A rainy day
The mood is bad, no reason

The rain fell from - is the paradise of tears
Tears - is the people's eyes
How much of the rain
Everyone can see it
And our hearts, let the rain of surges,
We can only feel...
Therefore, when a man walking in the rain and learn can't dodge, please hold them with kindness of heart
Maybe the time, only the rain can dilute his inner pain, people have no care in the rain of tears
For those in the hiding under the umbrella, hiding in a raincoat, and cannot distinguish our eyes of slide
What is the rain or tears? The tears of XianSe, only we know...

These days, it is always in the rain in cry?

The only good is sleeping on rainy days
What all don't quietly...
And home is the only shelter from Hong Kong
Sweet ~ ~ 'ease
A good night's sleep '-' ' ' ' 'OH